Best oral contributions awards!

Thank you for joining our CT4OPTO workshop! It was great to have you all with us for our “Principles of Light-Induced Charge Transfer for Optogenetics” workshop!

First of all, we want to congratulate with our winners of the Best Oral Contributions Awards, well deserved! They are Laura Pedraza-González from the Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Siena, and Bryan Kudisch, from the Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, with the following contribution: 

  • Pedraza-González, L., Barneschi, L., Marszałek, M., Valentini, A., Padula, D., De Vico, L., Olivucci, M. (2021), “Automated QM/MM model screening of rhodopsin variants displaying enhanced fluorescence”.
  • Kudisch, B., Oblinsky, D. G., Black, M. J., Zieleniewska, A., Emmanuel, M. A., Rumbles, G., Hyster, T. K., Scholes, G. D. (2021), “Active-site environmental factors customize the photophysics of photoenzymatic old yellow enzymes”.

You can find their abstracts in our book of abstracts.

Then, we want to thank all the invited and contributed speakers, who did an amazing work, and all those who decided to attend and exchange views with us, it was really stimulating! 

The videos of our workshop will be released next week. Stay tuned!