- CT4OPTO Report and Videos!We have published the video presentations of our CT4OPTO speakers! You can find them all on our website: https://optogenetics.nano.cnr.it/ct4opto-videos/ We have also published a report of our workshop, outlining the CT4OPTO results. You can find a short version and the link to download the full version on our website: https://optogenetics.nano.cnr.it/ct4opto-report/ The CT4OPTO participant list is also available on… Read more: CT4OPTO Report and Videos!
- Participant listWe had 81 people attending the CT4OPTO workshop! Here is the list: Title First Name Last Name Dr. Davide Accomasso Abhishek Aggarwal Dr. Andrea Amadei Mrs. Anna Ambrosi Prof. Massimiliano Aschi Mr. Himanshu Bansal Leonardo barneschi Dr. Luca Bellucci Dr. Emanuela Bertini Mr. Avratanu Biswas Prof. Ana-Nicoleta Bondar Sofia Canola Dr. Matteo Capone Dr. Volha… Read more: Participant list
- Best oral contributions awards!Thank you for joining our CT4OPTO workshop! It was great to have you all with us for our “Principles of Light-Induced Charge Transfer for Optogenetics” workshop! First of all, we want to congratulate with our winners of the “Best Oral Contributions Awards“, well deserved! They are Laura Pedraza-González from the Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Siena,… Read more: Best oral contributions awards!
- The CT4OPTO Book of Abstracts is now available!The CT4OPTO Book of Abstract contains the abstracts by the invited and the contributed speakers, information about our organizing and scientific committee and the workshop agenda.
- Guidelines for participation are availableWe have published a new page on our website containing our guidelines for participation to the CT4OPTO workshop, where we explain what platform we use, and how to actively take part to the conversation through questions and breakout rooms! Read them all at https://optogenetics.nano.cnr.it/guidelines-for-participation/. Do not hesitate to contact us for any need at ct4opto@nano.cnr.it,… Read more: Guidelines for participation are available
- The CT4OPTO Agenda is available!The agenda for our “Principles of Light-Induced Charge Transfer for Optogenetics” workshop, taking place from one June, 14-16, 2021, is now available! Read the agenda on our website or download the .pdf file (459 KB). For any information, please write to ct4opto@nano.cnr.it or visit our website at https://optogenetics.nano.cnr.it/. We can’t wait to meet you all soon!
- Abstract submission deadline extended!The CT4OPTO Scientific Committee has decided to extend the abstract submission deadline for our “Principles of light-induced charge transfer for optogenetics” workshop! Abstracts for flash, poster or both should be submitted within May 23, 2021 by e-mail to ct4opto@nano.cnr.it following specific template and guidelines contained in our website at https://optogenetics.nano.cnr.it/abstract/. Please, feel free to contact us for information at ct4opto@nano.cnr.it. … Read more: Abstract submission deadline extended!
- Our abstract submission deadline is approaching!CT4OPTO gives the possibility to contribute to our workshop with a flash presentation or a poster. Abstracts for flash, poster or both should be submitted by e-mail to ct4opto@nano.cnr.it following specific template and guidelines contained in our website at https://optogenetics.nano.cnr.it/abstract/. The deadline for submission is May 15, 2021! Please, feel free to contact us for information at ct4opto@nano.cnr.it. We can’t wait to hear… Read more: Our abstract submission deadline is approaching!
- Registration and abstract submission are open!Registration and abstract submission for the “Principles of light-induced charge transfer for optogenetics” workshop are now open!The CT4OPTO virtual workshop will be held online from June 14 to June 16 2021. CT4OPTO will focus on the discussion of state-of-the-art theoretical and experimental approaches to treat photoinduced charge transfer processes in light-sensitive proteins that are currently… Read more: Registration and abstract submission are open!
- Invited speakersThe final list of invited speakers is finally out! We will have Andrea Amadei from University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Ana-Nicoleta Bondar from Freie Universität Berlin, Roberta Croce from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Basile Curchod from Durham University, Marco Garavelli from University of Bologna, and many many more! Read the complete list at http://optogenetics.nano.cnr.it/invited-speakers/. The final… Read more: Invited speakers